Thursday, June 10, 2010

Just Run Race Day!

It's race day! Coach Amy set up a race with bib numbers and all for the kids culminating Just Run clinic. They all looked so cute and official with their Just Run t-shirts and personalized racing bib numbers!

Before the big race the kids had to warm up their muscles. First there were jumping jacks...

...then sit-ups...

...and even push-ups!

You can really tell Emma was all warmed up! Note the way she tied up her piggy tails into little silly buns on the side of her head! That crazy girl always tries to get her hair up and off her neck! She doesn't ever want to cut it though! It has to be long, just like Taylor Swift!

Racers ready! On your mark...get set...GO!

And they're off!

Here comes Emma; she's making her first loop around the park.

Run, Emma, run! Look at those muscular little legs on my sweet girl. #35 Rocks!!!

Off she goes for lap #2.

And she crosses the finish line! Congratulations, Emma! You did it! I am so proud of you for all of your hard work these past 3 months. You've made such great progress in becoming a real running machine! Keep up the great work! I love you!

After the race was over, Coach Amy handed out certificates, race charms and medals for the top finisher in each age level. Emma's friend, Aidan, won the race and the medal for their age group.

Allison and Layla helped give the kids the race charms. To earn a charm the runners had to log their miles each week for run clinic. They would turn in their log and a parent kept track of the total miles run. Each milestone (5 miles, 10 miles, 15 miles, 20 miles, 26.2 miles, etc.) earned a charm. The kids were always so excited to receive their charms. It was kinda like a little medal to share the kids' successes with everyone!

Emma proudly shows off her token earned this week!

She also shares her Just Run Superstar certificate! Her scruchy little face is telling me, "Ok, mom. Enough pictures already!

Congratulations Just Run kiddos! You're awesome runners! As a mom, I couldn't be more proud that you've chosen to make exericse a priority for yourselves! Keep up the great work!

Coach Amy gives all the kids a big high five to celebrate their racing accomplishments!

Emma, Sydney, Camden and Anna give Coach Amy a big thank you hug for all of her hard work with the Just Run clinic. Amy planned and implemented this great program for the kids just because she loves fitness and wants others to love it as well. She wasn't paid for any of it and did an amazing job of instilling a love of running in the children! Thank you, Amy!

June 10, 2010

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