Thursday, June 10, 2010

Firehouse Ice Cream Social

At Emma's school carnvial I was asked if Jeff could set up a visit for 8 students to come get a tour and then have ice cream with the fire fighters. Jeff was great and set it all up for us. Emma's teachers, Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Adams, Mrs. Quintana and Mrs. Magana, along with a group of students from Emma's class won the auction item at the carnival. Because I helped set it up we got to go too, even though I didn't bid on it. The kids had a great time with Jeff, Darryl and Matt leading the way through Station 91.

Jeff first showed them how they slide down the pole. He said they don't always use it because when they built the station they didn't use the right material for the pole, so it isn't so easy to slide down. He did say that during the night they really do use it because when 6 of them are trying to get to the fire engine for a call it's faster to slide down the pole rather then run down the stairs.

Emma and Jenna (cute little red-head on the left) is ready and waiting for Daddy to slide down the pole, but Sofia looks as if she could care less!

Jeff leads the kids back around the station so they can spray the fire hose!

I was surprised that Emma decided to spray the hose. Usually she is too shy to give it a shot. Kaitlyn patiently waits for her turn.

After all the kids had a turn to spray the hose, Jeff told them to walk over to where the ground was all wet. Then he told them to face the street and started to spray them with the hose! They were full of giggles as they turned back around to see he was spraying them with the fire hose.

Emma's sweet friend, Jenna.

After the tour, it was time for ice cream! Jeff bought waffle bowls, vanilla ice cream, chocolate sauce, M and M's, and Gummy Bears for all to enjoy. At first Emma was a bit shy and didn't want to have any. She started to sample Allison's, so I knew she really did wanted some. I made her a bowl and she enjoyed it with her friends too.

Thanks for arranging our fun ice cream social visit to the fire station, Jeff! The kids and teachers loved it! You can see it on the smiles of Kaitlyn, Emma, Sofia, Jenna and Allison!

June 7, 2010

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