Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday Kiley!

Kiley loves Dora and asked for a Do-Do birthday party this year. She can't quite say Dora the Explorer yet. She calls Dora Do-Do. Lots of fun ideas for a Do-Do party!

Her Mimi (Auntie Jamie) made her a very special birthday dress...she was all dressed up in Dora with matching hair bows too!

Danielle had all the supplies for the kids to make maracas! Emma helped Kiley put stickers on the outside of the cups. Then Kiley added the rice to one of the cups. Danielle taped the two cups together with colored electrical tape and wala! You have a Dora the Explorer maraca!

Allison was all business while putting her stickers on the cup!

She was so excited to see her cousins at the D0-Do party.

After making maracas Kiley was about ready for a nap. The party started at 3:00 so she didn't get her regular nap in. You can tell she was tired because she went in the house to get her pea-he and the thumb went in the mouth as soon as she got it.

She tried to make it without a nap, but fighting over the swing with Brynn only made her more miserable. Danielle took her in for a nap shortly after and then she woke up a bit later ready for more Do-Do!

Ready for some fun now!

Brynn, Emma and Allison are all smiles at the party. They have so much fun together!

The weather was so beautiful! Keith set up the slip-n-slide for the kids. They loved it...although most didn't have quite the right slip-n-slide technique down. They slid on their knees rather than their bellies!

There goes Emma!
Brynn attempts to slide on her belly!

Go Allison, go!

The water from the hose was quite chilly. Allison would run up and feel the water and then run away from it. I loved this picture because of all the water drops in the background.

Now that Kiley was rested and ready to go again, Danielle brought out the pinata. Kiley took the first swing.

She loved watching all the kids hit the Dora the Explore birthday present pinata Danielle made. So cute and creative!

When the pinata finally broke the kids gathered all the candy, stickers and crayons. Em and Allison gathered quite a bit of loot. While Allison was gathering hers I made a comment for her to grab some crayons. Keith gave me a bad time as I encouraged Allison to go for the crayons over the candy. She was picking up candy too, but he loves to harass me! Anyway, after all the loot was gathered the girls asked if they could have one thing from their bag. I said sure. Emma grabbed a candy and Allison said she wanted a sticker. Yes, she picked putting on a sticker over a piece of candy. That's my girl! You know Keith was all over that one!

Time for dinner! Danielle made yummy carnitas. Mom brought a salad and I brought lots of fruit. Delish!

One of my favorite pictures from the day. Brynn's beautiful blue eyes pop as she enjoys a red, juicy strawberry. She was also so excited to wear some pretty hair bows in her piggies. Danielle said she always loves Emma and Allison's pretty bows. I brought an extra set, so she matched the girls. (The next day Danielle went online to Gymboree and ordered some for Brynn too!)

After dinner Allison enjoyed jumping on the mini trampoline with London.

Happy 2nd Birthday Kiley! Always have to take a family picture in front of the cake! A friend of mine made the cake. It is the most yummy cake ever with a ton of butter cream frosting. I think she uses a least a pound of butter to make the cake!

Time for presents! We got Kiley a cute jean skirt and fairy shirt and a bubble making lawn mower. Now she can be just like daddy mowing the lawn!

Nana got her a Dora DVD that she starred in! It has become a birthday tradition from Grandma Sue/Nana to get the girls a video where they are the star. Allison and Brynn watch the video with Grandma Sue/Nana.

Kiley even takes a break from all the action to see herself on TV!

There she is!!

After the movie it was time to try out her new bike from Mimi. Such a big girl now!

Once the party wound down Allison, Brynn and Emma put on their PJ's and headed to the back room to watch a show. (Kiley had already gone to bed,) They didn't last long back there and were out within 30 minutes! Proof the Do-D0 party was a hit!

May 8, 2010

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