I was sooo nervous for her. I wanted her to do so well. She was very relaxed about the whole thing, but I had so many butterflies in my stomach! Emma's first word was, ____(it's slipping my mind right now! Will have to update when I remember!). She passed round one with flying colors. Whew! Next, her word was yesterday. She said, "y-e-s-t-e-d-a-y." She raced through the word and then realized she skipped a letter. I was so sad :( My heart broke for her, but she was totally fine with it and skipped back to her seat like it was nothing! I was very proud of her for being so mature and not getting upset. I wanted to cry for her though!
See...missing a word didn't even phase her...she's all smiles while she watches the rest of her classmates continue on with the competition.

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