Recital hair...BEFORE!

Recital hair...AFTER! Much better :)

Do we have to do recital hair again???

I love me recital hair!

Annie came to have Auntie Mo do her hair along with Emma, Allison and Sydney. Thanks so much for all or your help Monica!

Our beautiful girls are ready to DANCE!

One of my favorite pics!

Let the show begin! Allison, Emma, Sydney and Jenna are ready to head back stage.
When we sat down to watch the show Ms. Deborah came on stage and said there would not be a formal video made this year. She said we could video our own shots. I was disappointed because I wasn't prepared to video. I had my camera to try and capture a few still shots, but that's it. As a result I don't have any still shots of their dances, but I do have the follow videos, that aren't the best quality, but show the girls in action. Copy and paste the links into your browser because they aren't linked to go directly to the site. Enjoy!

This was a fun "caterpillar" dance during the show. The girls costumes even glowed!

Curtain call! The girls come out for one last bow.

A stage full of dancers.

Allison's amazingly wonderful teacher, Ms. Barb along with her assistant, Miss Alex.

Emma's ballet/tap teacher, Ms. Michelle.

The dance studio's owner, Ms. Deborah and Emma's jazz/hip hop teacher, Ms. Holly.

Fun photo with Grandma Judy and Grandpa Carl. Grandma Judy made the girls lollipop bouquets!

Grandma Sue and Grandpa Rex's fun photo turn.

Allison, Annie and Emma

Emma, Jenna, Allison and Sydney show off all their new little trinkets and treats.

I was so proud of my little dancers. They looked so beautiful up on that big, bright stage!

Grandma Sue gave the girls a recital gift...books and a chocolate covered rice crispy treat. Yum!

Night #2! The girls were showered with more gifts from teachers and friends.

That bouquet is almost bigger than Jenna!

Allison was so proud of her flowers from Daddy. He came to the 2nd show for Allison because he was working the day before. He brought Emma to watch Allison's show in the afternoon and then he brought Allison back to watch Emma's show in the evening. I was back stage for both of the Sunday shows. It was a weekend full of recitals!!! The girls were in all 4 shows! Allison was in the 2 matinees and Emma was in Saturday's matinee and Saturday and Sunday's evening shows.

Emma's special flowers from Allison and Daddy.

The girls were exhausted after 2 days of dancing and 3 recitals later! Whew! They were really just pretending to sleep here :)
June 26-27, 2010
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